Booking Arcade is solely created for making legitimate bookings so that travelers/holidaymakers can explore far beyond their expectations through our site.  We believe that travel is an experience that should hold no boundaries to those who want to make the most of their holiday by booking the perfect place that would be economical and easy on the budget. Booking Arcade has paved the way to those, fun-loving, adventurous, holidaymakers a booking site that will add value, great memories, and a totally different experience that will make every moment spent worthwhile!

Our quest is to strive forward to make holidaying affordable to the traveler who is thrilled to look forward to an exciting journey ahead with Booking Arcade. To fulfill this task the team has set the standards high and are working towards accomplishing this milestone that lies ahead of us. Meeting your requirements with the best deals, ‘that will be available on our site, is one of our top priorities because we stand firmly as a company to give you great memories with no regrets!

"Happy Holidaying and Travelling with ‘BOOKING ARCADE’!"

- Team Booking Arcade